Fictional Life
a strange sort of community
Calvsie King of the Calvsie post his incoherent thoughts...
Sound Technician February 26, 2010 - 12:54:12
It is the best of jobs, it is the worst of jobs... being a sound technician that is...

It is a job I enjoy because while many remain ignorant to exactly what it is I do, but still want me to do it. I am coming up on the first big event of the year for me.
Hosted by my local church in Chippewa Falls, it is the grace believers equivalent of NoBrandCon. It is a time of singing and much good teaching. I swear my Bible gets more worn out from these three days than most peoples do in a life time.
While our church is in Chippewa, the last several years have resorted to holding the saturday portion in Eau Claire for lack of space. This means I get to do one of my favorite task, Break down and setup.
This is a much more lengthy task than it use to be... the first year I had a tape recorder hooked to a wireless receiver.... now I have a PC, two speakers, a receiver, wireless microphone, and enough random cabling to seemingly go around the planet three times...
I will also likely lose part of my hearing temporarily because some nut job will test a microphone by breathing into it while I'm wearing the head phones!
So yeah if you get bored Saturday swing by the plaza... Its a free event and usually there are people outside the room willing to chat...
RGS out...
(would have been longer but I'm hungry)

- calvsie
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Her Majesties Alchemist League disbanded February 18, 2010 - 13:10:49
Early today the news broke that Robert Von Gasencalvse, head of Her Majesties Alchemist League (HMAL), is hence forth banished from Britain. This comes hot on the heels of his near execution after his spectacular failure during a demonstration before the Queen.
HMAL has had various members over the years with Von Gascalves being the only constant. His recent claims at death and resurrection had severely hurt the leagues image and he had planned to return them to their glory with a display of alchemical process before the Queen. The spectacle of his demonstration proved near fatal not only for himself but his current assistants. The only member left completely unharmed was Madam Beisen  who it appears has fled with Von Gascalves back to the American Colonies near Tekamthi.
This flight back to the new world was allowed due to Von Gascalves outstanding record of service to the crown while helping the HMA Badger and her crew. As he was last seen boarding the passenger airship Gigaprize, he was heard muttering about a mono-cycle gang and the need to clean out the litter box again.

(this is a work of fiction)

- calvsie
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diminishing returns... February 4, 2010 - 15:01:38
The Law of Diminishing Returns...
we will get less and less extra output when we add additional doses of an input while holding other inputs fixed. In other words, the marginal product of each unit of input will decline as the amount of that input increases holding all other inputs constant.

When I started donating plasma three to four years ago. I was making around $60 to $65 dollars a week by having the plasma syphoned out of my body. The standard pay out was $20/$35 with $5 to $10 bonus dollars. Making appointments was easy and thinsg were easy.

The Law of Diminishing returns has kicked in for the plasma donaters... Bonuses vanished about a year ago... Down to $55 dollars... It was also around this time you had to be johnny on the spot to make appointments...

In the last three months you can now lose the priviledge of donating if you miss an appointment. Walk ups are more strictly controlled. You absolutely need to make your appointments 2 weeks in advance...

Today the amount was reduced for second time in two weeks... $20/$25...

I'll admit this is merely extra cash... it puts a tank fo gas or two in the car... allows me to join my family at lunch on Sundays with out mooching... Other people are complaining much more loudly...

They act as if this was thier only source of income, and for all I know it is, but judiging purely on appearance its not...

merely an observation...

RGS out...

- calvsie
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RGS Best of Video games... January 29, 2010 - 11:13:11
I like video games. I like them as a nice escape from the day to day grind. What follows are my personal opinions on the best games for various systems.
Please note the words "my personal opinion". Some systems I have played more games on than thus my choice had a larger library to choice from. I'm keeping this at three categpories today: Best over All (Games I keep coming back to), Best RPG(my favorite rpg on the system), Best multiplayer (what game do I have the best memories of playing with others)... Some time in the future I will be hopefully covering horror, WTF games, and everyone elses loves it and I hate it...

Best over all game: Super Mario Brothers 3
Best RPG: Final Fantasy 3 (yes I realize it never official has been on the NES in the USA)
Best Multiplayer: Ice Hockey (I start the fight, you go to the penalty box! In your face bro!!!)

Best over all game: Harvest moon
Best RPG: Chrono Trigger
Best Multiplayer: AeroBiz

Game Cube
Best over all game: Legend of Zelda wind waker
Best RPG: Baten Kaitos
Best Multiplayer: Super smash bros

Best over all game: Pokemon snap
Best RPG: Legend of zelda majoras mask
Best Multiplayer: Golden eye

Best over all game: No More hero's
Best RPG: Legend of zelda Twilight Princess
Best Multiplayer: Lego Star wars the complete saga

Best over all game: Armored Core
Best RPG:Parasite eve
Best Multiplayer: Bushido blade


Best over all game: Katamari Damacy
Best RPG: Grandia III
Best Multiplayer: Tony Hawks Underground

Best over all game: Ratchet and clank: future-Tools of destruction
Best RPG: Oblivion
Best Multiplayer: Haze... (because its the only game I've ever played with anyone else... its not bad, but come on there has to be something better out there)

Best over all game: Starwars: KOTOR
Best RPG: Fable: the lost chapters
Best Multiplayer: HALO 2

XBOX 360

Best over all game: Beautiful Katamari
Best RPG: Fable II
Best Multiplayer: Medal of honor: world at war

Shout outs:
These are for systems I cannot quite remember enough games to do a full list with...
Dreamcast: That one game at nonbrandcon... Wicked
Sega: Sonic the hedgehog 2
Atari: pong
Comodore 64: radar rat race

- calvsie
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Ten things I would like to buy January 25, 2010 - 10:11:19
I am able to survive on what I make, but I am not able to have everything. I am happy but if I was given money the first things I would go out and buy would be:
10: a new tv
I've never had a new TV... I think it would be nifty to have one...
9: A bed frame
I have a mattress, and it sits on the floor. You have no idea how much a a bed frame improves sleepy times...
8:A new computer
once again... I've never had a new one, because I salvage and frankenstein my computers as a general rule... It would be nice to have a nice new one to work with...
7:A wii
I love the wii, but I'll be one of the first to admit it does tend to get a bit gimmicky at times...
I love books... just today I grabbed a discarded book of plays from the UW-Stout book resources... I do not have enough bookcases for all my books...
5:A bread machine
I love bread, but have no time to bake bread... Bread machines are nice...
4:A mountain of legos
Everyone needs there hobbies/obsessions...
3:Washer and Dryer
Laundry mats may make good places to study, but over time you can save money by owning...
2:A small farm
I want to have a small farm with chickens and maybe a cow or two... not a source of income, but more of a hobby...
1:Hard oak kitchen furniture
surprised? I love hard oak furniture... This is my umber one dream of things I would like to buy... a nice set with a nice grain to run my fingers over and that hearty oak smell...

- calvsie
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What should be in a Bedroom January 22, 2010 - 12:41:29
I have long standing desire to keep computers and TV's out of my bedroom. This has never panned out due to space and roommates, but witrh my current residence my brother has basically said I could do what I want with part of the basement so I'm setting up shop down there.
To me bedrooms are a place of solitude, a place to sleep, a place of quiet reflection, and a place that should be fairly dark at night. All the digital device lights... they really do nothing for you when it comes to sleeping..
I want a bed room full of books instead, books are restful friends that like to visit in the quiet. Falling a sleep reading leads to the best dreams in my experience.
I like technology, I just don't want it around me when I'm trying to sleep... I have a small fleece blanket I cover my clock with... I still hear it, but I no longer have to have that angry red light glowing around the room...
This is all just my opinion so take it as you will...
RGS out...

- calvsie
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I'm not, but the reasons you think I am... January 13, 2010 - 21:09:04

Today for about the thousandth time I was asked, "are you gay?"
Now the first time this happened I was kinda floored but by now I'm used to it.
The part that I find amusing are the reasons people give for this belief.
so here are the most frequent, odd, or otherwise amusing ones I have been told are evidence I am gay.
10: You dance in public when there is no music
how this makes me gay I'm not sure, but yeah this has become a popular one at work...
9.You wear your beard like a gay man
the last two years this one has cropped up...
8:You smell gay
No idea...
7:You walk like a gay person
I have a spring in my step... this is apparently now a sign of being gay...
6:you have gay friends
Yes, I do have gay friends... they laugh when they hear that people think I am...
5:You talk like a gay person...
No clue...
4:You have gay hobbies
Lego bionicle is childish not gay...
3:There is a video on youtube of you in a dress
yeah... um... It was the rocky horror picture show...
2:You don't seem interested in women
I don't throw myself at them, and I do hold some level of christian attitude towards them...
1:Your voice is high pitch and squeaky
I have my voice, it is higher pitched than some, I squeak a bit when excited, and I have no clue why the belief my higher pitch voice is the number one thing people point to when they accuse me of being gay...

- calvsie
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normailty, defy it... January 5, 2010 - 20:00:29
The day after my post on my goals for the year I was told to break my number 10 goal...
In hind sight it had been building to this moment for some time, and the game of hearts was the tipping point...
An attempt to avoid fighting ironically triggered his blow up, A simple brush off of "whatever"...
Then I found myself being informed I was no longer invited to ride along or stay in the hotel at the wedding we were going to last weekend, unless I meet his condition...
I was floored...
Who was he to make such demands? He will never admitted it but he is just as strange as me and yet so different...
He who wears pink shirts, is the biggest fan-boy of Kohls to ever walk the planet, and closes the window shade on me in the kitchen...
Anger welled up with in me...
For a brief moment I saw how closely we matched one another in anger...
We were brothers...

I went in spite of him to the wedding and was glad I did, but some how the whole feel of the weekend had been altered...
I live with a man who is a twisted parallel of myself, but we are two separate people and the lense through which I see the connection is easily shattered...
He chooses to filter himself, to only let the insanity out in small burst...
I have no filter or control...
I am who I am, I can not change who I am just to fit into a mold some one else feels I should conform to...
I am Robert Gregory Sieg...
I am Calvsie...
I am not normal...

- calvsie
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ten things for 2010 January 1, 2010 - 14:32:44
2009 is over and gone...

How did it get so late so soon!


So lets start out with a nice list of ten:

     Ten things to do in 2010

  1. Start posting more to my blog (maybe list of ten?)

  2. Convert and post Robert's Wild Trip to youtube

  3. Clean the bedroom

  4. Keep it clean

  5. Make up my mind

  6. Find my mind before I accomplish six

  7. Attend NoBrandCon

  8. Attend DaishoCon

  9. Attend Geek.Kon

  10. Never be normal


Thats out of the way...

So yeah I admit last years Vlog-a-month failed after two months...

but heres hoping this year goes better with my attempt to be at least monthly...



- calvsie
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