Fictional Life
a strange sort of community
Calvsie King of the Calvsie post his incoherent thoughts...
I'm not, but the reasons you think I am... January 13, 2010 - 21:09:04

Today for about the thousandth time I was asked, "are you gay?"
Now the first time this happened I was kinda floored but by now I'm used to it.
The part that I find amusing are the reasons people give for this belief.
so here are the most frequent, odd, or otherwise amusing ones I have been told are evidence I am gay.
10: You dance in public when there is no music
how this makes me gay I'm not sure, but yeah this has become a popular one at work...
9.You wear your beard like a gay man
the last two years this one has cropped up...
8:You smell gay
No idea...
7:You walk like a gay person
I have a spring in my step... this is apparently now a sign of being gay...
6:you have gay friends
Yes, I do have gay friends... they laugh when they hear that people think I am...
5:You talk like a gay person...
No clue...
4:You have gay hobbies
Lego bionicle is childish not gay...
3:There is a video on youtube of you in a dress
yeah... um... It was the rocky horror picture show...
2:You don't seem interested in women
I don't throw myself at them, and I do hold some level of christian attitude towards them...
1:Your voice is high pitch and squeaky
I have my voice, it is higher pitched than some, I squeak a bit when excited, and I have no clue why the belief my higher pitch voice is the number one thing people point to when they accuse me of being gay...

- calvsie
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You also have a Girlfriend last I checked so that makes you straight obviously or bi to say the least but I still insist that you are straight. You even told me your turn ons too.
um... what exactly did I tell you?
Animals transforming in people more specifically women.