Fictional Life
a strange sort of community
Calvsie King of the Calvsie post his incoherent thoughts...
diminishing returns... February 4, 2010 - 15:01:38
The Law of Diminishing Returns...
we will get less and less extra output when we add additional doses of an input while holding other inputs fixed. In other words, the marginal product of each unit of input will decline as the amount of that input increases holding all other inputs constant.

When I started donating plasma three to four years ago. I was making around $60 to $65 dollars a week by having the plasma syphoned out of my body. The standard pay out was $20/$35 with $5 to $10 bonus dollars. Making appointments was easy and thinsg were easy.

The Law of Diminishing returns has kicked in for the plasma donaters... Bonuses vanished about a year ago... Down to $55 dollars... It was also around this time you had to be johnny on the spot to make appointments...

In the last three months you can now lose the priviledge of donating if you miss an appointment. Walk ups are more strictly controlled. You absolutely need to make your appointments 2 weeks in advance...

Today the amount was reduced for second time in two weeks... $20/$25...

I'll admit this is merely extra cash... it puts a tank fo gas or two in the car... allows me to join my family at lunch on Sundays with out mooching... Other people are complaining much more loudly...

They act as if this was thier only source of income, and for all I know it is, but judiging purely on appearance its not...

merely an observation...

RGS out...
- calvsie
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