a strange sort of community
I can't believe i lost it. January 19, 2007 - 21:56:41
I had a very eloquent post about my feelings and certain people that i recently cut out of my life, but i hit the wrong button and lost it.

I'm pissed.

- Winchester
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Let's just pretend that wasn't a waste of time. January 14, 2007 - 17:04:47
This is a private message
Password required:

- Winchester
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It's 2007, I'm Drunk. What a suprise. January 1, 2007 - 4:21:21
I'm at derek and john's place now. I'm drunk. it's cool. Happy new year.


- Winchester
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Jackassery is definitely the word that best describes today. December 29, 2006 - 21:26:29
Thank god I won't be here tomorrow.

As far as my plans for new years, i have none yet. I figured i'd see if john was throwing a party at his place and if so crash that, otherwise probably find something else to do. I am still open to offers though.

If you need to reach me I will be available at (414) 771-5748, my parents house. try not to call too late. Also, except for my dad everyone who works for Cingular is a douchebag. apparently, "Oh, sure we'll stop billing you for six months while you're on deployment" means, "Oh, sure we'll stop sending you a bill while you're on deployment so you don't know we're still charging you money and then after three months of non-payment send your account to a collections agency. and charge you for breaking your contract." I'm considering a lawyer.

I can't wait to get home, even though i will have two very big disappointments awaiting me. One, Emily's dead. Two, I'm an idiot. I'll go into the second development in person. It just really sucks having an issue i'm not comfortable discussing here.

- Winchester
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So close... yet a whole stupid day away. December 28, 2006 - 22:19:49
Only one more day of pointless bullshit and then I go home.

And then back to many days of bullshit, including a possible redeployment by the end of January.

- Winchester
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Interviewed by Trae December 25, 2006 - 17:02:43
Okay, so here's the inteview thing. If you want me to interview you, just comment "interview me" and the interview bot... I mean I will generate some questions towards you.

1. How many times in the past six months have you accidentally put your life at risk? (So, people shooting at you doesn't count).
In the past six months, I'd say that My life was accidentally at risk every day. not even kidding. this is a horribly dangerous place to be and we are incredibly lucky that nobody died.

2. Complete this line: For it is, it is a glorious thing to be a...
I know where you're goingin with this, and I'm not going with you. It is a glorious thing to be a US citizen after seeing how shitty the southern continent has it.

3. I know you've cut back on the drinking, but at any given moment, what is your estimate as to how drunk our nation's armed forces are?
I really can't speak for the other branches, but the Navy is definitely always half in the bag. so 50%

4. Will I ever be able to beat you in Halo?
If Halo 3 has dual wielding beam swords that you can swing wildly and kill everyone in the level while standing still, then yes.

5. Did you just lie in your last answer to spare my feelings?
Yes. even if that were the case and they did have dual beam swords of death, i'd still just shoot you with the shotgun.

Hey, this was pretty fun.

- Winchester
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Christmas In Prison, Pt. 2 December 25, 2006 - 6:30:01
Again, Merry Fuckmas everyone.

Went back and reread all of last year's posts to try and figure out what i should say here. First, my drinking problem is much less prevalent these days. I've been in SD a little over a week and haven't gotten drunk once. Yay, I guess. Also, It has been a very long time since i even gave any ex girlfriend any thought at all, so I guess that's also something i've gotten better at.

I'm in a much different place than i was this time a year ago. I'm not any happier with my choice and actually much more pissed off about it, but i feel a lot more adult about the way i handle life now. Like right now there's a fairly major issue in my life that would have bothered and consumed every thought this time last year, and now i just don't really care because i'm pretty sure of how it will work out anyways.

I won't go into it here, but it should be enough to say it's about a girl.

Anyways, duty on christmas eve for the second year in  a row. It would suck if i had family here, but to me it's just another day.

Major change from last year though, I will get to see my family soon, but not soon enough. But I guess that'll have to do.

Peace on Earth, Goodwill towards men and women, Merry Christmas.

It was Christmas in prison
And the food was real good
we had turkey and pistols carved out of wood
and I dream of her always
even when i don't dream
her name's on my tongue
her blood's in my stream

- Winchester
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That was the longest six months of my life. December 15, 2006 - 22:54:36
San Diego, I never thought i'd be so happy to see it. Maybe in the coming days I'll post more stories from southpac, but most of them are boring.

Here's some stuff i wasn't allowed to say before and some interesting totals

27 Tons of cocaine confiscated with an estimated street value of $700 million. (Yes, almost a billion dollars of cocaine. It is a massive amount.)

6 fishing boats that it was pulled out of.

1 burning speedboat.

1 burning speedboat that we ran into.

$300,000 estimated damages to our ship from running into burning speedboat.

49 narco-terrorists (The Navy's word for them, not mine.) apprehended

5 of those drug runners that needed to be medevaced after they set their own fishing boat on fire.

4 times that we got liberty in Panama

1 time that we got thrown out of panama

3 other times that we should have gotten thrown out of panama.

In summary, we broke the records for tonnage, dollar value, detainees, total busts. Rather cool, but it still seemed like a waste of time. Very glad to be done of it.

If you should see me in person while i'm on leave I'll gladly share more specific stories with you, but I really don't feel like going into them here.


- Winchester
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Nooz you might use. November 28, 2006 - 21:19:21
So 16 days.

I'll be in milwaukee Dec. 30th thru Jan. 14th. If you want to see me, be in milwaukee then. (Looks at Trae. looks hard at Trae.)

I have no new years plans yet, so if somebody needs a drunken sailor to make their party complete, let me know. Although I'll probably end up somewhere fun, I'd kinda like to find out where ahead of time.

Also, my command has now instituted smoking hours, which is complete crap. Oh, how this whole place pisses me off.


- Winchester
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