a strange sort of community
Jackassery is definitely the word that best describes today. December 29, 2006 - 21:26:29
Thank god I won't be here tomorrow.

As far as my plans for new years, i have none yet. I figured i'd see if john was throwing a party at his place and if so crash that, otherwise probably find something else to do. I am still open to offers though.

If you need to reach me I will be available at (414) 771-5748, my parents house. try not to call too late. Also, except for my dad everyone who works for Cingular is a douchebag. apparently, "Oh, sure we'll stop billing you for six months while you're on deployment" means, "Oh, sure we'll stop sending you a bill while you're on deployment so you don't know we're still charging you money and then after three months of non-payment send your account to a collections agency. and charge you for breaking your contract." I'm considering a lawyer.

I can't wait to get home, even though i will have two very big disappointments awaiting me. One, Emily's dead. Two, I'm an idiot. I'll go into the second development in person. It just really sucks having an issue i'm not comfortable discussing here.
- Winchester
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