a strange sort of community
I'll miss her terribly. November 13, 2006 - 19:39:33
My mom e-mailed me today to let me know that they had to put Emily to sleep today.

If you don't know, Emily was our family dog that we've had since she was a puppy, and ever since we moved to milwaukee. She was fourteen years old, which for a yellow lab is extremely old. She was born the runt of a litter of seven, and remained small her whole life. Out of all of her brothers and sisters, she was the last one alive.

And i'll miss her.


- Winchester
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Weary as hell. October 25, 2006 - 1:03:19
I'm really just tired of being out here. the novelty wore off a while ago and now I'm really getting sick of dealing with the same people day in and day out.

Morlae is at an all time low and nobody of importance seems to care.

I miss home. and my friends. and it would be really nice if the damned columbians could stop being the reason for me not getting any sleep for two days.

whatever. I gotta go on watch.


- Winchester
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This is what you get. October 1, 2006 - 15:32:53
So the long profound post i was going to make ended up as an e-mail to a very good friend, which in the end seemed to work out better.

So as to not dissapoint people who read my blog though, I will now smash my face into the keyboard and post whatever comes out.

 uhjuygmhjhjuyvgfrtfcdhjmunbmjhun hu7y vgbfvgh bnh nhjmbhju             

I hope that was fun for you. I know i was amused for a few seconds.


- Winchester
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Laundry night in mayport. September 26, 2006 - 20:06:38
So now i do laundry. and this is what passes for excitement around here.

At least there's an internet kiosk in the laundromat, so i can pass the time as such.

Really, the only news i have is that Florida is indeed full of stupid white rednecks. or at least the Jacksonville/mayport area is. thank the flying spaghetti monster that I'm not stationed here.

So i'm even more bored out of my mind than usual. Also, i have reason to suspect that i am getting stupider. Or at least sussering from a temporary reduction to my INT.

Someday, I might actually make another long meanigful post. but don't expect it anytime soon.

- Winchester
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Stateside! September 22, 2006 - 21:22:04
So now i'm in mayport, florida. It's not home, but at least it's the US.

We're going to be here for a while, too.

Oh, and to the good Cap'n, I have no idea what the island was. it was the one with the daiquiri machine and Nassau. I hope that narrows it down.

And by the way, i have now thrown up on two continents and four countries. but never at sea.


- Winchester
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Bahamas! September 21, 2006 - 12:09:35
Oh, i had forgotten how much i enjoy warm sandy beaches and daquiris. Wait, I've never done that before.

Amazingly cool.

- Winchester
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So raise your hand if you've been through the Panama Canal. September 14, 2006 - 17:23:21
Transited the Panama Canal last night. It was very cool. Definitely a high point of my Naval career. Nothing cool i can tell you about yet, but i am off to an exotic warm beach. Later
- Winchester
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Not much. August 29, 2006 - 1:52:53
So naturally, excing things happen, and i can't tell you crap. oh well. I'm getting used to it.

I'm going to be in milwaukee for new years I think, and I'm trying to find a place to hold a big very drunk party. I don't think my parents will be up for it, but I'm not sure. I don't get paid much, but when you don't have anything to spend it on, it stacks up well

In unrelated news, Roach: e-mail me so i can get your address. got stuff you'd be interested in to talk about.

- Winchester
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So it's been a while. August 21, 2006 - 22:26:55
I haven't updated in a while. Since we last talked, i was in Lima, Peru. I got ridiculously drunk and threw up on a bus. and that was the high point.

Now we're in Manta, Ecuador. again.

I'd really like to update with news, but i haven't done crap.

Well, later.

- Winchester
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