a strange sort of community
A collection of rants, mostly about relationships and my various emotional problems
Dangerous, dangerous. November 14, 2005 - 1:21:53
One big problem I had with Sean (at least at one point) was a lack of separation of self. He carried himself as basically an extension of me, and I started to feel the same way. This is worse than that, I'd almost say.
- Kitty
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When two people have similar interests, or some other kind of connection, there's going to be some overlap of self, so to speak. If you like to spend time with the other person, you will start to do a lot with them, and even, perhaps, pick up idiosyncrasies from that person. This overlap can be an issue only when the people cannot do things separately. When they live only for the other, and cannot have a life of their own. Otherwise, it's just closeness to the other person, which isn't a bad thing.

Tell me if that's what you meant by 'lack of separation of self', because really, it's a vague term.
I think I know what she means. I get worried at times about the same thing. I don't want people to think of me as just 'Reanna's boyfriend' when I'm in America, I want people to be able to think of me as a seperate entity who also functions as Reanna's boyfriend.