Fictional Life
a strange sort of community
Calvsie King of the Calvsie post his incoherent thoughts...
What has Calvsie been doing? December 2, 2007 - 1:24:55
Well I keep forgetting to blog for one thing...
Let me give a brief recap of the events in my life as of lately:
  • Reviewing my collection of VHS tapes
Well I have a large collection of VHS tapes and I Figured it was about time for me to go through them. I found some real gems and some that should probably be burned (legality and questionable taste mainly being the reason). So I have watched FBI guy (Me my brother, my best friend, and my sister filming a silly movie about to thieves who rob a blood bank and are pursued by the titular FBI Guy), Planet of the apes (old and new on the same cassette), Cube (bloody indulgence), several episodes of MST3K ("No Springs hehehehe!"), random footage of various friends (My best friend talking about his new hair cut was hilarious), and a mixed tape of Robot wars and Junkyard wars (I miss those shows...). There are many more but these are the ones I liked the most.
  • Rebuilding my PC
For the longest time my computer worked except for the fact no cd drives would work with it. I tore it a part and installed everything on a slightly newer motherboard I had. Works like a charm but it was compatible with my old case so I left it in its old one. This one was to small to fight all my components so currently it sits with the side removed and components trailing out of it.
  • Cleaning my room
I never had fully gotten unpacked due to time constraints when I moved into my new place. This compiled with lack of time to due anything but sleep at home meant that it got worse. So I cleaned it up and was surprised to discover some of the stuff I had.
  • Returned to NoBrandCon meetings
I had been working on Thursdays but it was burning me out. So I told work I couldn't work on Thursdays. This lead to me returning to NoBrandCon meetings.
  • Found I am to be an uncle
I'm to be an uncle... Why does this disturb me? My sister informed me like this:
Me:Hey Stacy would you like to try some Cinnanog?
Stacy: Whats in it?
Me: Eggnog and Hot 100...
Stacy: No I can't because your going to be an uncle.
Me:SPEW! You mean your...
Stacy: Yes

I'm so happy for my sister and her husband.

This is my life its not that exciting but hey its mine...
RGS Out...

- calvsie
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