Fictional Life
a strange sort of community
Calvsie King of the Calvsie post his incoherent thoughts...
Time Travel Theorys February 1, 2007 - 13:44:19
I have had to much time to think at work...

Back to the Future Movie

Theory from of the movie states moving forward in time does nothing but is a source of problems, Traveling to the past creates a new time line when you change anything this includes your arival thus every travel to the past will result in a new timeline, causing the origonal to fade out of existince. As long as you have gas and a jigawatt of power you can go as far forward or back as you want.

Chrono Wars ZZT Game

The Theory from the game states every single movement backward or forward creates a new timeline. Each timeline continues its existince independtly meaning you can do not only horizontal time travel, but also vertical demisoin travel. no restrictions with the vehicle of travel, but timelines appear to be finite in number because when to many are created a time rift acures and destroys them.

Bill and Ted movie

Not sure of about the theory but it does close its loops well as long as you remind yourself to remember. The phone booth travels seemingly anywhere and anytime as long as you know the number.

The Time Machine movie

I'm not touching the book version of this, because it never directly states much on its theories. The movie states quite clearly that you can alter small details but it is impossible to create paradox because time flexs to prevent them. The time machine only moves through time not space aka it doesn't actually move.

Primer Movie

I still have no clue as far as the theory on this one but is quite possibly the one that is most realistic. Here is what I do know. In order to travel 6 hours into the past you must have the machine on 6 hours... aka you can only go back as far as the machine has been on. beyond this I'm clueless...

DejaVu movie 

Not intirely sure on the Theory. They can see a little over 4 days into the past, they can alter it but it is incredably hard to do so because you must figure out what you changed the last time you tryed to change things. It uses electric shock to transmit you so your heart is stopped.


And thats all I've got...
- calvsie
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With Back to the Future you mean "gigawatt."  People get confused for some reason that Doc Brown uses a soft G (sounding like a J), but it's still a legitimate pronounciation.
Whoops!!! I think I'll leave it as is for hilarity sake...