a strange sort of community
My Blog
whirl wind time... May 19, 2006 - 14:20:08
Keep in mind I'm have been going through me week (finals week) with only taking naps.  Naps on the floor of my private research room in the library in my sleeping bag.  I will work all day and then do the stuff I need to get done and then take a 2-4 hour nap, wake up, do a little more work for about 6 hrs, then take another nap and then start the day again.  My back hurts like hell from the floor and went for 72 hr without sleeping in a bed.   

So I've been in a bit of whirlwind lately.  1st-I get a call that I'm needed on the fire line and os I go through the interview.  2nd--I find out that there is another candidate who needs a campagin administrator more than my current candidate. 

This sets things in motion. 

Because I find out that my bosses have then volunteered me to switch candidates and this other candidate is about 35 minutes away in a different town.  That means I would have to commute the shit out my days/ name it. 

Not only that, but now, I have an offical job offer to go to Boise Idaho for a fuels crew GS-4 position!!!  THIS IS A JOB THAT MANY A FIRE PEOPLE WOULD KILL FOR!!  I am serioulsy hurting to go to Idaho but I know that it really is a dead end there.  Also, the candidates here really do need me. 


Plus I don't want to burn any bridges. 

What's a girl to do.  Well I can tell you, that this girl went swing dancing!  Yup last night I went into the Cities with a group of friends and danced my little feet off.  IT WAS GREAT--the perfect stress reliever.  So I'm going on a big shopping spree this weekend with a couple friends and I'm going to be looking for some dancing outfits and shoes because this is going to be a little more regular.  YEAH!  The only bad thing I would say is that an older gentleman who danced with me a couple of times tried to keep lifting me and he wasn't doing it dorrectly so I now have a crink in my back...ouch. 

This week has not been the best for my back obviously. 

However, I still havn't made up my mind about whether or not I'm going to take the Idaho position or the other candidate position. 

What would you do? 

I'll catch ya later all,

I thinking it....
- Kid
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