a strange sort of community
A collection of rants, mostly about relationships and my various emotional problems
That's two now, or is it three? November 23, 2005 - 22:07:12
While my dad and I were in the car, the conversation somehow got to the fact that he thought the biggest reason Sean and I wouldn't work in the end was an intellectual issue. He says that he thinks that the person I best match up intellectually with is Brian.

Maybe instead of counting the number of people that think we're dating, I should count the number of people that tell me how good of an idea it would be.
- Kitty
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My mom asked me today if you were "officially my girlfriend" yet. While she didn't technically assume anything, it was awfully close. So you could add her to the list as well.
Well at least we know our parents would approve.
I don't know if this counts but I know you're not dating but I think you guys would be good together.