a strange sort of community
A collection of rants, mostly about relationships and my various emotional problems
If you love me, leave me alone! August 28, 2005 - 22:29:29
Yet another complaint in the rant about Sean journal. He is distraught if I don't call him as soon as I wake up in the morning. The only exceptions are if he or I work in the morning. I love him, and I like seeing him every day, but it is a bit much. I like to have a bit of sitting about before I go out to do anything, even if it's just see my boyfriend. Also, seeing him every day is a bit much too. This is part of the reason I don't see any of my friends at home. I'm with Sean from whenever I wake up until about 3 when he goes to work, and by that time I need a rest from people, and then it's too late to call anyone. Yes, I know it's summer and staying out until midnight is fine, but I can never get that out of my system.

This morning I woke up and sat for a bit, and someone called for my mom. Sean later called, so I used that as an excuse as to why I didn't call IMMIADETELY upon waking.

I like spending time with him, and whenever I point out that every day is a bit much, I get lonely the one day that we happen to be apart. He doesn't throw it in my face, but he does tease a bit when I call him at night if he has to work when I'm off and vice versa.

It'll be nice when I go to school not because I won't have to see him every day, but because I don't have to worry about hurting his feelings if I can't. It's really a shock, going from every day to once a month, and that's part of why it's hard. If there were a couple days a week, maybe even one, this summer that I didn't see him it'd be nice. Have some time to myself, be sociable with my friends, I don't know.

End rant.
- Kitty
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Honestly, tell him that. Tell him you need a little space - and make sure that he knows that it doesn't mean you don't love him, or that there is something wrong with your relationship - but that you just need to maintain a little personal space.

He may not like that at first, but if he loves you - something that simple won't be that big a deal for him to adjust to in the end.
At this point it's a bit moot. I'm leaving in less than a week, so I'll see him maybe once a month very soon. This week it's basically soak up as much time together as possible before I leave.