a strange sort of community
A collection of rants, mostly about relationships and my various emotional problems
Whatever June 1, 2005 - 14:29:29
I have decided to make this blog be about feelings, mostly so I can keep track. My goal shall be a daily post of random feelings, and parhaps thoughts, to see if I can find a pattern in all of this crap. We'll see how good I am at that.

I feel better today, but how long that lasts is yet to be determined. This morning I was Miss Cranky yet again, due to the lack of foodings in the house, and the stupid vaccuum. At least I was somewhat productive? It's funny how food can affect how I'm feeling. Yesterday I found the oreos we had for a while, and that made me happy. We need more ice cream. They should bring Dubslide back, I miss it ever so. I wish I was 21 so I could buy various kinds of alcohol and make tasty drinks. I think next year I'll have to have one of my friends buy me booze so I can have some in inventory for... cooking purposes. How did this become a rant on alcohol? I don't even drink! Just one more example of how random my thoughts are. I need more places that I can write whatever the hell comes to mind, that would probably help as well.
- Kitty
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