a strange sort of community
My Blog
funny cute March 19, 2006 - 11:49:41
My roommate has a funny story:

It's just too cute.

- Kid
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New stuff... March 17, 2006 - 12:19:47 my birthday is in 2 days. I feel OOOOOoooold. I know I shouldn't but there is some part of me that does. Maybe it's because I still get frustrated by the 18 y/olds and even my peers with their maturity level. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not claiming to be the most mature person in the world; I do deliberatly enjoy my times of quirky carefree rebeliousness which typically involves me throwing away any concern for public embarresment. However, it can be rather frustrating to be around people who just don't understand the world outside of their own concerns and social circle. Oh well...

Additionally, I've been sick lately because last Saturday I went to a Dems Convention for my candidate and I shook so many hand I'm surprised I didn't get carpal tunnel! Note to self: when you're tired and all shmoozed out; DO NOT go out drinking in Rocky Horror attire! That is a big no no.

Aside from that, I recently was named Treasurer of my Student Body Government. It's the 3rd highest position in the senate so my schmoozing days are just begining.

Lastly, my Spring Break is this next week and I couldn't be more ready for it. I need to be able to sleep in without my body waking me up at 6am. Damn my efficent and strict work habits. the same time I'm really enjoying the professional atmosphere that I work in at the Dems HQ. What can I say, I thrive in an energized and excited work place.

Anyway, tootles for now and keep your noses clean!

OH! and... HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY!!!!! Luck o' the Irish!

- Kid
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A letter that needed to be written... February 4, 2006 - 17:02:17
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- Kid
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New Year January 20, 2006 - 9:37:00
So, after the "incredible" last year I guess it's time to start again. Several things are headed this way. One of which is an internship with the American Cancer Society on city council legislation.
Additionally, I might be taking another internship with the local DNR b/c they need fire people. It pays what can I say.
Anyway, right now since all the plans are gone down the tube I'm making it up as I go along. However, I do have the plans in the works for a change.
Well see. ;)
Catch ya'll later.

- Kid
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Personal thoughts... December 25, 2005 - 23:08:05
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- Kid
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Goram.. December 24, 2005 - 8:49:07
Well Everyone, I am in a persistently foul mood where I am abhorridly disgusted with the world and everything around me. Although Trae tells me I have a GPA some people would die for I am very bitter at some of my professors and I am disgustd with my semester GPA. Grr.....
I am disgusted with everything and I have no particular reason why. Maybe because it's Christmas and everything around me tells me it's christmas but I havn't had time to myself enough to even get out of my nocturnal routine - I've been constantly moving for three weeks now. Even the light of day hurts my eyes. I just want one damn thing to go my way because there has been NOTHING this year that has gone my way and I am pissed. I know thing could be a lot worse but it still doesn't cover up the fact that this year has been one of the shittiest years possible. Please everyone pray for a good year in 2006. I could use all the help I can get.
Until then: Bah Hum Bug and I'm stealing Christmas.
Wow, is this all that I have become; just a tangled mass of obsenities, anger, frustration, angst, and toughness? I'm really not a very nice person anymore, am I?
Either way, I really do hope that the rest of you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years.

- Kid
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Today... December 13, 2005 - 3:25:04
I performed my monologue and received a good deal amount of acclaim.

I received word that I did not get my coveted internship in Washington D.C.

I gave one of my most hard hitting, inspiring, and stupid speeches ever. Because, I decided to say 'fuck it'. These people are no more important than any of my constituents; in the end they are merely students - just like the rest of us. It is not the position which commands respect it is the honor in what they do which denotes respect. No matter who you are, no matter where you are in life, and no matter how high you think of yourself I will try to earn your respect - just like you will have to earn mine.

I will not be diplomatic anymore, I will back hand you in public and I will question in front of the world.

- Kid
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That's it! December 5, 2005 - 23:08:17
ARGH! IF I hear one more whiny person bitch about not having things their way I'm going to piss all over them. The senate was just about to vote down a resolution to have a student representative on the tast force committie looking at the RA situation AND PEOPLE WANTED TO VOTE DOWN TO HAVE NO STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE. Yes, people who are student representatives wanted to not have a representative.
FUCK THEM ALL!!$#%$%!#@%!$%^^*^&*(*$^&^$%$!@$#$%$^%&*&$^#%@@#!$@$%^#%^$&*^$#%$@%!!#@%#^$&^*^%#%$@%!#$
NOt only that but I still have a 7 page paper to write for tonight that is due at 11am tomorrow and an extra credit assignmetn which I need due at 8am. I'm fucked and pissed at people because it someone wants to give me shit right now for some stupid over emotional reason I will eat them alive! Grrrr.....

- Kid
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Hurrah... December 4, 2005 - 22:22:24
it's time for finals again! But on the up side I have the majority of the United Council stress out of the way. BUT WAIT - no I don't because someone decided to suddenly write a bill ensuring a referendum on Eau Claire's membreship to United Council. *sigh*....
I'm fighting two battles: one to keep UC a representative position and another to keep Eau Claire a member campus and maintain a relationship between the campus and the organization even though both sides don't want either (or so it seems like). Shit....

Being stuck in the middle of a rather nasty political debate such as this, is the shityest place to be. I've come to the conclusion though that my position as the Delegation Leader is to do United Council work on the behalf of my campus not to fight United Council's fights for them. Fuck them... seriously after my 10hour long teleconference this weekend with the people in Madison if there isn't people to at the senate meeting on Monday from UC then I'm going to say fuck it.

I'm not doing this alone like I've done so many other campaigns. It's not worth sacfraicing my health, nor my relationships with people, nor my academics. Those who would ask me to put UC or them above my academics are not the people who really care about me. Those are the people who don't deserve my attention. Unfortunatly that is some of the directors in Madison. I put in so much work and in the end it's run over. Fuck them... I'm walking away from this fight if I'm doing it alone, especially if peopel are being unreasonable and unfortunaly there is no lack of stupidity and disrespect in this world.

So, for a disgruntled warrior, here's my fist of furry throwing out the middle finger. Because one day, these people will learn their lesson but I won't give them the honor of teaching them that lesson. They aren't worth the breathe it would take.

- Kid
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