a strange sort of community
My Blog
Goram.. December 24, 2005 - 8:49:07
Well Everyone, I am in a persistently foul mood where I am abhorridly disgusted with the world and everything around me. Although Trae tells me I have a GPA some people would die for I am very bitter at some of my professors and I am disgustd with my semester GPA. Grr.....
I am disgusted with everything and I have no particular reason why. Maybe because it's Christmas and everything around me tells me it's christmas but I havn't had time to myself enough to even get out of my nocturnal routine - I've been constantly moving for three weeks now. Even the light of day hurts my eyes. I just want one damn thing to go my way because there has been NOTHING this year that has gone my way and I am pissed. I know thing could be a lot worse but it still doesn't cover up the fact that this year has been one of the shittiest years possible. Please everyone pray for a good year in 2006. I could use all the help I can get.
Until then: Bah Hum Bug and I'm stealing Christmas.
Wow, is this all that I have become; just a tangled mass of obsenities, anger, frustration, angst, and toughness? I'm really not a very nice person anymore, am I?
Either way, I really do hope that the rest of you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years.
- Kid
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Nothing has gone my way is the way of the world. You need to try and focus on the things that have gone well. You have a man who loves you with his whole heart and that alone is worth more than money can buy. Things will work out, they have to. Because if they don't soon I'm giving up and just going to trash this whole reality thing and start over...stupid world. So be happy...dammit!
Honey, I've been ranting nonstop about how horrible this season all is. It hasn't been the best year for me either, but there have been good points. I love you dear, know that I'm hoping next year is better for both of us.