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Find Me at Anime 414 This Weekend!
Posted Aug 5, 2024 - 12:39:18

So, y'all, I'm going to be at Anime 414 this weekend in Milwaukee down at the Baird center. This is a first year con by a for profit company that runs these things in other states. They're running an anime con like it was a comic con, and the whole thing is kinda hilarious in a way.

This is the first time this con has happened, and it could go great... or not great. If you're in the area, and want to find out with me, come on down?

The hours are:
August 10th 2024 - Saturday: 10AM-7PM
August 11th, 2024 - Sunday: 10AM-5PM

Yeehaw, kids. Yeehaw.
- Traegorn

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