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Ethan Recreated My Favorite UnCONventional Moment
Posted Aug 20, 2024 - 9:05:56

Megan and Lynn

There's a small easter egg in today's Peregrine Lake that you may have missed. On the wall in the guest room of Lynn and Megan's cabin, there's a photo from their wedding. For UnCONventional readers, this should look incredibly familiar - because it's Ethan's redraw of one of my favorite moments from the entirety of that comic (as well as the cover to the Chapter Six book).

I specifically asked Ethan if we could have that as a "photo" in Lynn and Megan's cabin, and they did not disappoint. I gave them the original art layers - which is why you'll notice the background is still the altered photo from the original image.

And I just... I just love it. One of the most amazing things about working with Ethan on Peregrine Lake has been seeing the things I imagine realized in a style so different from my own (and with so much more skill than I have myself). It's just amazing.

That's all I really have to say. I just wanted to share this weird tiny detail with y'all because it makes me happy. Here are the two images side by side (click them for higher resolution versions):

- Traegorn

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