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The First Official Peregrine Lake Merch is Here!
Posted July 30, 2024 - 13:02:30

So just for fun, I decided the most obvious piece of merch for Peregrine Lake -- the generic tourist t-shirt. If you ever go to a gas station in a random small town, you'll definitely see something like this. So why get a generic T-shirt with a real town's name on it when you can get one with a fake town's name on it?

Obviously this is available on a T-shirt, but there are a whole bunch of other products too -- like totebags, coasters, and mugs.

I honestly just did this because I thought it was fun. No real plan beyond "Oh that would be nice to have for myself." It's neat!
- Traegorn

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Someone went through RI Comic-con once with a "TEH" t-shirt, and it took me awhile to make the reference to "Questionable Content." This would be awesome to wear at a con and see who gets it!

Trae Dorn
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