Fictional Life
a strange sort of community
Calvsie King of the Calvsie post his incoherent thoughts...
The ... Problem April 23, 2010 - 8:25:47
When I was but a young lad of 16, I joined the z2 forums (zzt by epic mega games fan site) and much posting ensued. During this time I developed the persona of Boris Trege. Bor-is Tre-ge. Ge-is Tre-Bor. Geis Trebor. Robert Sieg. (Oh aren't we the clever one!) I cultivated him as a persona with a darker sense of humor than me. Also he tended to never finish a complete thought on the forums, ending most sentences with "...".
Over time this persona began to become to real around certain groups of people. He started receiving mail, then Mrs. Boris Trege started getting mail, and finally a letter arrived To the parents of Boris Trege Jr. I had created a monster and now he was getting more mail than me! I began severing ties with the web persona, but I had grown use to being this person I had liked certian aspects of the persona and had inadvertently started copying him. One such things was ending sentences with "...".
I eventually came to a semi-identity crisis based around this persona, and stopped using it all together. Only one thing remains from this persona. They way I have ended forum post and emails for many years now. "..."
Recently it was pointed out that I over use this and should maybe cut back on the "..."s.  I have struggled to stop hitting the dreaded period key, but it appears I am getting better, but man typing up a post where I have to use them to explain is really killing me.
(three sets were deleted in the making of this post
RGS out

- calvsie
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