a strange sort of community
It's really only fair to confess. February 8, 2007 - 0:25:01
I really have a huge crush on Kari from Mythbusters. Yes, i sound like a 12 year old nerd. so?

Also, to update I've been sober for a week and a half now. I'm not trying to turn this into an AA blog, just thought I should tell someone.

I'm finding i'm no more compelled to drink than i am compelled to drive nails through my hands, so I think that's a good sign. We'll just have to see how this plays out. Also, alcohol is everywhere in this society. Are people really so bad off that they need a constant reminder to drink their way out?

But yeah, Kari. Totally hot.

- Winchester
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You realize that every single even slightly geeky guy on the planet has a crush on Kari Byron, right?

She's number one on my list of "People I'd stalk if I were creepy"
I concur with the above comment...