a strange sort of community
This is me, right here, right now
Interviewed by Trae December 28, 2006 - 2:24:10
1. Does it hurt to be British?- Only when I find out how much Christopher Paolini makes from 'writing.'

2. If you had a hammer, would you hammer just in the morning?- I would hammer all day, every day.

3. Is it true that if John Barrowman showed up at your door and offered to take you away from all of this, you'd accept?- Depends, are we talking Torchwood-John Barrowman, 9th Doctor-John Barrowman or John Barrowman the Actor?

4. Have you ever gotten in trouble for attempting to construct a giantic rube-goldberg device designed to kill your boss?- No, but he hasn't found it yet. It's hidden quite well.

5. No, really, I mean, does it hurt to be British?- It hursts a little less than it would hurt if I was Trae Dorn.
- newtypeUK
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