a strange sort of community
My Blog
Hewwo? Totowo, awe you thewe? March 4, 2006 - 10:36:33

I'm Sam. Nice to meet you.

Let's see, what should be known about me? Hrm...I like World of Warcrack. A lot. Possibly more then it is normal or healthy to. But it's still great. I play Horde.

I sound like such a boring person, sorry, let's see, I like anime, but I'm super super picky, and I like cosplay when it's done really really well. What else? OH, I like reading Stephen King books at night, or in the midafternoon. Never in the morning, as I am too tired.

Most blogs I have are usually stupid rants about how my life is either boring or I'm whining. But really, who would want to read something that is nothing but good news? That's just optimistic, and boring. At least my blogs have action.

- Yushadonga
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