a strange sort of community
The mediocrity continues January 27, 2006 - 20:25:42
So today. wow.

Started off by having to take a random drug test. Really, they say that having a good breakfast is the best way to start the day. I think the key to a really good day is having another man watch you pee.

okay, not really.

Shortly after that, i was going to get a cup of coffee. all i wanted was a goddamn cup of coffee. and just when i was about to have a goddamn cup of goddamn coffee in my goddamn hand, the goddamn power to the whole fucking ship goes out.

now for those of you that work in offices that are more solidly land based, the power going out is probably no big deal. take a break until it comes back on, maybe leave for the day.

When the power goes out on the ship, we go to security alert. people start roaming the ship with guns to make sure that there aren't any terrorists or scary monsters lurking in the dark. but most everybody else, we have to just stay exactly where we are or risk getting shot.

For me this meant that I was stuck on the mess decks.

and i couldn't get a cup of coffee.

so then the power starts flickering off and on. anyone with a computer that doesn't have a surge protector can probably tell you what havoc that causes to a fairly new, well maintained piece of equipment. guess what it does to 22 year old crap that was made by the lowest bidder to begin with.

So the ship caught fire.


it's not like we don't know what we're doing when we form up to fight a fire. for gods sake, we only do drills on it every day.

But when the real thing happens, and you start thinking about the oxygen tanks right next to the fire, then you begin to worry.

we got the fire out before any major damage happened, but still, it really wasn't cool.

oh, and did i mention all of that crap happened before lunch?

so then after we got off, i go back to the barracks only to find out that I'm probably getting kicked out of my room for some stupid crap i never did in the first place.

Really, I love the military today.
- Winchester
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And you NEVER got your coffee??

That sucks man.

What are you getting kicked out for? Prostitution????