a strange sort of community
A collection of rants, mostly about relationships and my various emotional problems
I am such a girlfriend January 26, 2006 - 14:53:37
I'm starting to get the irrational girl logic going on, but at least I recognize it for how stupid it is. Last night I made some comment about how Brian and I could just do the optional homework over the weekend, and he responded "I'm going to be really busy this weekend though." At some point someone installed a fucked up translator in my head, because the way my mind automatically interpreted that was "I'm going to be busy, too busy to spend any time with you." I know that's complete bullshit, especially as the thing that's making his weekend all busy is because of me. We're going to the cities for his birthday on Saturday, so I'm probably going to be with him all weekend. It's so weird because that one sentence made me feel a myriad of things, including the idea that he's always so busy on the weekends that I don't get to see him enough (which is completely not true). I don't know who wired my brain for girl translation, but I want it stopped right now!
- Kitty
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If only all girls had this realization - maybe some of my previous relationships wouldn't have ended up so... frightening?
This is why I lost my last 83 wives. That and I kept marrying other women, but it was mostly the girlfriend mindset.
Well Neil, you were also eating their babies as well.
That's why his only surviving children had to come from you, Trae.