a strange sort of community
A collection of rants, mostly about relationships and my various emotional problems
but it hasn't been a week! October 23, 2005 - 23:53:45
Well, I almost cracked in two tonight. I blame the horrible stress that was working on the art history presentation. I later found a new comment on my lj, an entry that had me listening to "All you need is love" and calling it a lie, which read: "Love is all you need."

Boooo. I think I might disable anonymous posting, or maybe just make it all friends only. The comment really only has sad effect if it's from who I think it is, but why would he be reading my livejournal? I can't start thinking about it now, I don't have the time or mental capabilities.

I just can't. I can't live by love, I can't let everything else that's important fall away because I love someone. He loves me more than I love him, just because of how we function. This has been a problem before, my questionable capacity to love.

And here is yet another example of what a geek I am, thinking about the definition of "love capacity" has made me forget where I am in this. I'll have to finish it another day. Not tomorrow, too busy studying for PChem. Not Tuesday, too busy studying for Nutrition. Not Thursday, juggling and NoBrandCon. Not Friday, shopping for lots of things with Brian, and a possible brainspike. Not Saturday, party at Zombie house. Ok then, I give myself another week from now until I can feel anything again.
- Kitty
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Love is not all there is to life. It cannot be all there is; love can't fill all your needs. Love can be a part of it, love can be a nice and good part of your life, but that is what it is: a part. If love is ALL you need, you have a very empty life. Sad but true in my mind.
Romantic, sexual love is not the only love a person has. Simply love your friends or just love life.