a strange sort of community
My Blog
Confessions. February 10, 2007 - 10:36:05
 1. I absolutely hate the majority of people on my Myspace friends.
2. I hate everyone from Memorial except the people I see on a daily basis.
3. These people are: Kinsey, Sami, Spina, Corey, Victor, Julie, Kaya, Forest, Taylr, Aggie (and her friends, Katie, Christopher, and maybe Kris.
4. I don't want to date Taylr at all. He's not right for me, I just don't know how to tell him.
5. The reason I hate all of my old friends is that the bastards had my number the first time I left school and none of them ever called. Fuck them, and if you're one of them, fuck you.
6. I am a geek in the social closet.
7. At first I didn't want to go to NoBrand Con, but now I think I saved my own life by going.
8. My dad knows I'm gay, he just doesn't want to admit it, and he doesn't want to yell at me.
9. My mom is a selfish jerk and I don't like her most of the time.
10. The only reason I act clingy sometimes is that I don't want to go home.
11. My sister thinks that I like her new boyfriend. I am starting to, but if it hadn't been for his son, JT, I never would have given him a thought.
12. I am terrified of leaving home.
13. I am afraid of rejection.
14. I am pretty liberal, I just think being Conservative is more funny, so I use it as a comedy act.
15. I also use racial humor on a daily basis.
16. I promise I'm not racist, baised, or anything. Some things though are just too damn funny not to laugh at them. And if you can't laugh at them yourself, you need to either grow some balls, or think of something funny to say.
17. I am writing the Dark Side Compendium. I think I'm doing so because I think it's something my new personality would do.
18. I'm afraid I'm going to turn people evil, and I don't want other people going to a Moral Hell because of something I said or did.
19. I hate, hate, hate, hate my grandma. I wish she would just go away so my mom would talk about something else. I will not be sad when she passes on to the great black nothing.
20. I once wrote an episode of Nip/Tuck and I wanted to submit it.
21. I burned it the next day because I didn't think it was good enough for anyone.
22. I am a pyromaniac and I am damn happy to be one.
23. My mother tried to kill herself and she left the note in the notebook I am writing my story in. I have not written in it since, and she hasn't apologized.
24. I cry when certain music is played.
25. I cry during some Disney movies, because they are either very sad or very happy.
26. I can be one of the most hateful, spiteful, mean people on the planet, and in the next instance be one of the most thoughtful, pleasant people in the world.
27. I have a complex with World of Warcraft. I play too much, but I can't seem to get anywhere and I think my guild hates me.
28. I am generally a good, outstanding person.
29. But I can be a real bitch when the mood hits me.
30. I am afraid that I won't find what I'm looking for, and my plans for my future will be destroyed.
31. I'm not afraid of heights, bugs, or spiders.
32. What I am afraid of is: Weight Gain, Germs, Dirtiness and grime, and small spaces filled with junk.
33. My parents don't clean, it is all me, and when I don't do something they ask me to, I get told I don't do anything and that I'm a waste of time and effort.
34. I am happy right now and no I do not feel alone, because I know that I have people that care about me, even if they live miles away.
- Yushadonga
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