a strange sort of community
I never thought i'd be so worried about a free Xbox. January 21, 2007 - 0:18:13
So i woke up this morning, hungover. I still live on the ship, and i had duty today, so i woke up cold, sore and hungover.

Anyways, My friend Tim had gotten back from leave the night before and i saw him in the berthing. We talk for like two seconds and then he just offers his xbox and controllers to me for free. Not being dumb, i accept.

Although, i'm beginning to question the intelligence involved here.

So i tell Tim great, just throw it on my rack, i really need to wash the alcohol smell off me. I go shower, and then proceed about my day.

Twelve hours later, it hits me very quickly. How he said that his leave sucked, how he didn't want to talk about it, giving away his xbox for no reason (I asked if he got a 360 or what, and his response was just, "No, I don't need it anymore.")

So now I'm very worried.

From Department of the Navy Suicide Incident Report (DONSIR): Summary of 1999-2000 Findings:

"This is the second annual technical report on suicide incidence within the Department of the Navy (DoN). The intent is to provide line and medical personnel with information on DON suicide trends and to assist leaders in improving suicide prevention efforts. In 1999 and 2000, 133 DON personnel died by suicide (83 Navy and 50 Marine Corps). Most DON suicides were white males, under 25 years old, and unmarried, corresponding to DON population proportions. Most often the method was by a firearm, while off-duty, alone at home. The most frequently reported potential risk factor was a romantic-relationship problem, especially among decedents who had been deployed within 3 years prior. The second most frequent risk factor was a job stressor. These data establish baselines for monitoring significant suicide risk factors for active-duty Sailors and Marines."

Tim is a single 21 year old white male. He's told me about his numerous troubles with a girl back home before. Our ship just returned from deployment in December and Tim was also recently promoted to Petty Officer, 3rd class.

So you can understand. I couldn't find him tonight, and can't leave the ship to go looking for him, so i hope i can catch him tomorrow.
- Winchester
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