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November Karma Challenge November 30, 2006 - 22:01:06

I also bring you a picture of the biggest turkey I know: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
- vanessa
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Karma awarded! Just under the wire! (And the challenge of the cookie option was that you had to figure out how to get it to me yourself)

And I guess I'll keep the cookie option for next month too...
You should just consider yourself lucky I didn't go with the original draft of the movie where I just sat at my kitchen table, eating Ginger Creams silently and giving the camera a pointed look.  It's not fair to put something impossible as a Karma challenge and then not help people out when they ask for basic info that will make the task less impossible LIKE AN ADDRESS OR A PHONE NUMBER MMMMKAY?  I should totally get partial Karma because it's not my fault I couldn't successfully complete the challenge.  I did ask for an address early enough that had you given it to me, you too could be eating Ginger Creams right now.
Actually, while that first idea would have made me sad, it would have also been hilarious...

...I also didn't realize you were serious when you asked.