a strange sort of community
Limited internet access. July 1, 2006 - 3:29:44
This fucking thing is slower than a 28.8 i swear.

So hold onto your hats for this astounding bit of news folks, (if you aren't wearing a hat, I'll wait for you to go put one on.)

I'm in the Southern fucking hemisphere. and yes, the toilets do flush backwards. It definitely ranks as one of the strangest things ever.

I really can't get more specific as to location, but i can say that i haven't been on dry land since June 15th.

Anyways, due to e-mail being more available than internet, if you would like regular updates, e-mail me at

I promise, if you e-mail me, i will personally respond because i always hated those mass "to everyone i know, here's all the cool shit I'm doing" e-mails that people like linda used to fire off. so impersonal.

Miss all of you, some more than others.

now i need sleep.
- Winchester
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