a strange sort of community
i have made A SANDWICH! hahaha! April 3, 2006 - 16:26:14
yeah, so i made a sandwich. it was awesome.

and that's really the only recent news that i thought was even mildly worth posting.
- Winchester
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Was it a turkey sandwich? Tell me it was turkey!
i had a turkey sandwich yesterday. it was quite tasty. plus it kept me from passing out from not eating....^^;
it involved turkey. along with salami, cheddar and mustard. then i added ... BACON!
dun dun DUN!

Sweet jesus... the unholy blend of turkey, salami, and Bacon... You've... you've gone too far!
At least it didn't say "I have made a BABY!" that would worry me man, it would be all "Breasts of Tyreseus" and that is one F'ed up play.
I am not a number, I am a free man!