a strange sort of community
I think I must be losing my mind. December 21, 2005 - 21:49:55
Okay, so it started as a little drunken curiosity, and now that i've got time and internet access, I seem to find myself feverishly trying to track down everyone I've ever known. Mostly ex-girlfriends.

See, the thing is, I don't want to contact these people. I want nothing to do with most of them. (Especially the ones rumoured to have herpes. Not mentioning names, but Nick Anello.)

(It's kinda funny. now when someone googles nick anello, this'll pop up and the rumour will spread farther. I love it.)

It just really sucks to find out things like your first girlfriend is about to graduate with a degree in primatology, or suddenly wonder how jesse still has his ComedySportz shirts, but I have no idea where any of my six went to.

jeez. I'm really beginning to suspect I'm an underachevier.

also, I hate myspace. it's just another way for people to be shallow, vapid and think they matter in the long run. I'm fully acknowloging that maybe two people consistently read my blog. And I'm fine with that. Some of those motherfuckers seem to think that they are the center of the internet. no one give a crap about what kind of flower you are, or which bug eyed anime character you most resemble.

wow, now I'm just bitter and ranting.

Still with me?

Good. Because i think the whole point to this goddamn psychological mess that I've gotten myself into is that I hate everyone. ever. period.

or maybe I should just apply myself better.

I don't really know or care. I found a movie that was made a few years ago that I'm suprised I never knew about. Something small, that I don't want to mention here by name, mostly due to not wanting undue attention from the future primatologist. As far as she's concerned, I'm a footnote in history and it's best left that way.

But anyway, the movie was worse thatn any crap I ever churned out in media, including the god awful a day in the life of us.

I really expected more of an internet presence from some of these people.

okay, this is going on longer than I had anticipated, and if you did stick through to the end, I applaud you. I don't think I would if it had been someone else's blog.

I think I'm gonna go google myself.

Addendum: That was slightly dissapointing.

Second Addenum: Thanks Trae. Fixed spelling.
- Winchester
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I thought it was spelled "Nick Anello"
Well, I just wanted to make sure that Google defames him properly. :-p
That's ok my ex is a complete bitch and I am cutting her and the whole social group involving her folks out of my life. She wants nothing o do with me and blames me for it all. What a fucking idiot I was to ever care for her. Maybe someday I will find a decent woman out there.
Why does everyone have to be a woman hater after a bad relationship. Common' relationship are messed up anyway, it's no place to judge a person. Everyone acts like a complete asshole near the end of one...EVERYONE.
I don't hate women, if I did I wouldn't hurt. I just have not met a good woman who was interested in me...ever. How my ex behaved throughout the relationship is example...
You forgive things when you are with someone you love, but when they are gone it doesn't change the fact that they treated you poorly throughout, you just are free to realize it and try to come to terms with it.