a strange sort of community
My Blog
YEAH! November 23, 2005 - 12:27:41
It's over! The Leadership Conference is over!!!! AMEN! *hallelujah course singing around me*

There were hiccups and the madison woman did nothing but bitch and yell. But,it's over. I now can be a student again.
Jess and I put so much work into that conference only to be walked over and bitched at. In the end, was it worth it, maybe...but all I know is that I'm thankful for it to be done with.
Now I get to take the weekend, write a paper and eat lots of yummy food. Oh I am so thankful.
Yes, this is what I'm thankful for. I am thankful for my conference to be over with. I am thankful for my silly MonkeyTrain. I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful for my family (my aunt is in the hospitial for sitting on a burst apendix for 2 days). I am thankful for my food. I am thankful for the socks on my feet. I am thankful for my abilities. I am thankful for my cell phone. I am thankful for my wine. I am thankful for my comfy sweater. I am thankful for thanksgiving day. I am thankful for James Madison, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Josiah Barttlet. I am thankful for the release of the new Harry Potter movie. I am thankful for tampons. I am thankful for the Suffrage movement. I am thankful for democrats. I am thankful for the Captiol of Washington D.C. I am thankful for historians. I am thankful for PhDs. I am thankful for roast duck. I am thankful for books.
Well....really I could go on and on but I have to get ready for class. Oh wait...I'm thankful for the state of Idaho. I am thankful for abolitionists. I am thankful for hairy and intelligent men. I am thankful for Da Vinci.

Anyway, just to start some convo. if you're looking over this why do you comment on what you're most thankful for. Or, if you want to just comment on one of my thanks please do so.
- Kid
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I am thankful that I can eat.
I am thankful that I have clothes.
I am thankful that I have shelter.
I am thankful that I have love.

And with that, I am a rich man.