a strange sort of community
My Blog
grrr.... October 9, 2005 - 18:25:17
I am definitely in a "don't fuck with me" mood. Not one of those ones where I just act pissy because I'm frustrated. This is one of those moods that if you even think you can push the line on stepping on me, throwing your arrogance in my face, not listening, or even acting like you're smarter than me you will see the side of Erika which will make your blood turn cold and who turns silverware into deadly weapons.
I'm in one of those moods that I'm nice to you until you think you can push me around or I feel that you're shoving something down my throat. It's one of those moods that I can't even tell is there until someone pisses me off. Trust me when I say that if someone pisses me off then they will get more than they deserve; that's the problem, they get MORE than what they actually deserve even though they're being a total ignorant fuckity fuck fuck fucking dip shit who can't tell their ass from their mouth so they start shitting out of their mouth and talking out of their ass and think that being the older judicial man is their appropriate role just because they think they know more but really they have the maturity of a kumquat. (Yes I know that's a run on sentence).
So to sum up this mood: It is a merciless unforgiving mood that is neither tolerant nor understanding.
This mood happens and I just got out of a meeting in which 30 of the most dominant personalities in the entire UW-System were sitting. You want to see the contemporary version of medieval battles and wars- come to these meetings, it will make senate look like one big happy family.
So...all bets are off when I'm in this mood. But don't worry, it goes away quickly once I realize I'm in this mood.
There's only one thing to do when I get in this mood- I'm going to go hide.

- Kid
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