a strange sort of community
Help me out here. July 20, 2005 - 23:52:43
I need to figure out how to trick girls into thinking I'm attractive and interesting. Any ideas?
- Kaje
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Or just do what I did and use the Internet.

Or, and the tried and true method of any College student...get REALLY drunk, and I'm talking Dead Liver Drunk.
I TOLD YOU-start acting like you are the hottest shit on earth. Start acting like you are incredibly confident-even if you aren't FAKE IT! If you can't-go get into an acting class AND FAKE IT. But whatever you do, if girls are going to find you hot you have to atleast ACT hot. Any questions class?
I just have a hard time believing that most women are gullible enough to fall for that.
You would be very surprised.

Why the hell do you think anyone ever dates a weirdo like me?
You don't think it works?!?!?!?

Actually, my advice is don't go exclusivly looking for it. It always seems to happen to me when I least expect it... Or just don't want it to happen.
That too because it effectivly deletes the "vibe of desperation". Either way-get rid of the desperate vibe. But there is something in the universe that kicks in when you stop looking or content to be single (often in the form of a vow) that's when the unexpected happens.
It sounds really stupid, but it's true. Whenever I wanted to date someone, I was always alone. As soon as I decided it would be a good idea to stay single, there were lots of boys.
Could be worse. Women--- usually socipathic, unstable, but strangely cute (to me at least) women--- DO think I'm interesting and attractive. And I'm always too neurotic to follow through. There is no such thing as the right way to attract a woman or man, Kaje. But if I had any advice it would be not to stop thinking about wanting to date, but to stop thinking about it as often as you (obviously do). Not because such a change in approach will increase your odds. It might; it might not. Do it because that change in approach will at least make you a little happier. As long as I've known you, you've struck me as perpetually insecure and sad. Learn to drop it for a few hours a day for your own sake. Then reasess how you personally can attract a mate. Cuz any answer that comes from outside of you will be bullshit.