a strange sort of community
Week! October 1, 2009 - 21:18:47
So this now is my first full month of college.  Interesting, yet fun.  Also, I swear i was never as young as some of those fucking kids.

Overheard two great things this week. First, Monday i was in the Union coffeeshop and heard "Drew only apologizes once a year and that's how i know it's Yom Kippur" has to be the funniest thing i've ever heard on the subject of jewish holidays.

Today I walked past the daily religious/moral debate on campus and someone yells "I don't believe in homosexuality!" which was immidiately responded to with "No bro, that shit happens."

I wanted to blog in class last week.  I was gonna make the subject "I may be blogging in class, but that guy is playing online poker." But after i came up with the subject, i realized i had nothing else to write. Super exciting life here.

Anyway, I guess I'll catch you later Trae, since I'm pretty sure you're my only reader. Oh, and maybe Crysta. Hi Crysta!

- Winchester
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You fixed the spelling and deleted my comment... this isn't seven days! You can't undo that event! :P

Wait... maybe you can. :)