a strange sort of community
A collection of rants, mostly about relationships and my various emotional problems
interviews December 26, 2006 - 11:26:52
I think we all know the trend here.

From Trae:
1. What is the chemistry behind making pancakes yummy?
There isn't really much known about the chemistry of sweetness because the different sweeteners can have such different structures and properties. What I do know is that the rising action of the baking powder causes the pleasant texture of light and fluffy cakes.

2. Can you look at swedish fish without laughing?
Yes I can, because for some reason all of my amusement from that time was placed upon your love of Coke.

3. If you could do one thing in your life differently, what would it be?
I would have started working on grad school applications a month ago.

4. What was your first impression of me?
When I first saw you I thought you looked like someone I knew from Rocky (dark long hair and beard). When I started talking to you I thought you were a ridiculous flirt, which I liked.

5. Ball of String?
It depends on what kind of string, really. The kind with floofy stuff hanging off is soft and nice, but gets tangled so so easily. That string is best when it's alredy made into a sweater or scarf. The best string/yarn to play with is just the regular kind. I don't chase after them on my own, but of course if someone throws one in front of me I have to jump on it.

You all know the drill.

- Kitty
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Interview Me
1. If someone told you that Coke (reg, diet, etc.) was poison and you could never drink it again, how long would you last before you drank yourself to death?

2. Do you ever worry about your future?

3. Why are you such a "horrible horrible person"?

4. What is your favorite kind of sandwich?

5. Why are you so enamored of politics?