a strange sort of community
Mildly Educated Guesses
I don't know crap...but I can at least guess.
Skin of My Teeth September 13, 2006 - 17:04:15
So I went to go take my PPST today. For those of you who are unfamiliar, it's the test that all would-be educators must take to see if you have the general/high school level skills necessary to be in a teaching position.

The test was all computerized, and in 3 parts: reading, mathematics, and writing. It ended up being almost 5 hours long. My writing portion was an actual essay, and that has to be hand-read & analyzed. I got the scores from the other two portions right away, though:

My reading was 183, which is pretty good. I don't know the whole scale, but I believe the questions are apr 4 points apeice. The passing score was around 170, so I did pretty good there. With the math portion, though, was one point above the required. Whew!

But, hey, I passed! I've never been all that good at factor problems and the like, so no surprise there. Hooray for passing!
- Cap'n Kellin
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Congrats on the passing! 
Way to slip by there. :P
Thanks, folks!