a strange sort of community
Mildly Educated Guesses
I don't know crap...but I can at least guess.
Residual June 27, 2006 - 20:38:46
I used to work at Best Buy #25 in Greenfield, WI, back about 5 years ago. I started as a Customer Service Goon, making pretty much minimum wage. I was basically a cashier. I moved on to Home Theatre Sales, back when HDTV was first starting to show itself on our soul-crushing tone of beige shelves.

I ended up working there for about 3 years before I quit. I had been promised a tech position on multiple occassions, "as soon as one opens up", and they ended up hiring 3 different people across a 1 year period instead.

Anywho, I was in at the aforementioned hell pit yesterday to pick up a new CD (Gnarles Barkley: St.Elsewhere, which is excellent by the way) the other day. Of course I walked around a bit to see what was new (Legend of Heroes 2 for PSP? Groan). While over by the video games, I saw a pre-teen boy with his parents looking curiously at a DS Lite. My residual salesman kicked in automatically, and I said "You know, the lite really is alot better. It fits in my pocket so much better, and the screen is alot brighter". They looked at me with a sideways glance, and I walked away feeling awkward.

Then, as I approached the exit with said compact disc in my hand, a lady started to ask the 'security' (doorman) "I'm looking for something for my kid's birthday". You have no idea how hard it was for me to resist the urge to stop and offer some "professional recommendations".

I haven't worked there for years, and I still wanted to help people find stuff. It's scary. I guess the moral of the story is as such: don't work retail sales or it will ingrain itself into your very being like a spell from the Octavo, minus the pentagrams.

(kudos to you if you get that obscure joke)

- Cap'n Kellin
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Oh, look at me! I'm Kellin, I've read 'The Colour of Magic,' I'm special! lol
I don't think I'm special, I was just reading it moments before I wrote this. I am very much enjoying Discworld, though, even though Pratchett is one of 'you people'. :D