a strange sort of community
My Blog
Weirdness... June 18, 2006 - 16:38:52
So, I'm sitting here with Derek at Panera Bread and Derek is eating my crusts from my french bread. I just find it funny that I am doing what I do while sitting outside looking for the mall/city.
It's really been time of weirdness.
I went out to do karoke with Dani, Derek, Nicole, and bunch of their other friends on Thursday night. However, I was exhausted but went out anyway. Big mistake.
I was so sick on Friday. In all honesty, my body just shut down from being so busy and exhausted. Then to find out it's been going around Stan has been sick Dani was sick and at least one other person will get sick soon. So, on Friday I ended up puking my guts out until 2pm when I finally fell asleep.
I'm doing etter now but ti just reminds me that I need to take better care of myself. Yes, I am taking care of a candidates future but that doesn't mean I can't take care of myself. I ended up throwing up so hard I burst a blood vessel under my eye and now it looks like I have a cute little mole.
Aside from that...
I got 18 roses in the mail.
Wednesday I got a call from a FedEx guy saying..." I have a package for you so where do yo uant me to put it?" and I asked him to ring the apartment manager and give it to her and I'll pick it up later. I get a ring 10 minutes later from teh FedEX guy saying..."There's no one there where do you want me to put it now?" and I told im to ring the old apartment manager. Ten minutes later "...There's no one there". SHIT! What now, and by this time I was standing outside my classroom and so I just told him come to Hibbard 310 and he said..."Great! I have packages to drop off there anyway". So an hour later I get 18 red roses delivered to me in the middle of class. Don't ask me who sent them. They were a house warming gift.
Also, what was also weird happened yesturday. The Time Warner Cable people were in my building and when they stopped by to see me I talked with them for a while (because I want internet) they said..."Where are you from? You're from no where around here." And so I wondered, why do you say that? "It's your accent, you have a really weird accent". I havn't gotten the accent comments in a very long time. That's just weird.
Anyway, that's what has been going on lately.
Remember everyone is invited to the house warming party this coming Saturday at 7pm. Email me or pm me for directions!

- Kid
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get better, and have a successful housewarming party! :)
I still don't understand why people think you have an accent either.  I mean, you sound a little East Coast - but not that different from anyone else

(What I thought was REALLY weird was when some people for reasons unknown thought you sounded British years back - I don't get that at ALL)
When was that??
It was back when you were living in Putnam, when we first started dating. Some random girl asked me if you were British of all things.