a strange sort of community

Just your typical raves and rants from a UW-GB anime junkie.
Angst-free fact stating OR  May 27, 2006 - 22:03:08
I was talking with the fellow NoBrander I saw the movie See No Evil with last week a couple days ago and something interesting came up in the discussion.  It seems that UW-GB wasn't the first place we met.  While I already knew we were at the same high school, I didn't remember till she reminded me that she was in Art Club her Sophomore year when I was there my Senior year.  When I thought back to that, I actually did remember seeing her there, which I find to be kinda cool and kinda creeped.  Just when I thought my world couldn't get any smaller.  Tee hee. :-)


There's more to this.  When I was thinking back to when we first actually met, I had realized something.  Back then, I had a good-sized crush on her, but I was too damn shy and quiet to do or say anything about it.  But that was then, this is now.  I really do like her a lot and she's a good person, I just don't wanna blow this second chance fate has given me.  Having realized my recent mistakes, I intend to take things one step at a time.  I just gotta find out when, and if, I can ever tell her how I feel.


That is all.
- azumangadaioh22
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