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How I Accidentally Got A Job
Posted Aug 11, 2004 - 23:54:04

So hello, boys and girls. I'm back.

I've got lots of photos of the northwoods to put online, but I probably won't have them up for a few weeks, as I'm a tad bit busy lately. Needless to say, my vacation up by Rhinelander was fun, refreshing, and quite awesome. Upon my return to Milwaukee, I prepared to embark upon what I thought would be a not-so-exciting adventure in the land of delivering phonebooks.

See, what I had planned to do was go in to my old employer, the phone book delivery guys (where I had been office manager last summer), and just become a contracted distributer. Pretty much, I planned on delivering phone books for chump change. Well I took the training, and got offered a job clerking by my old boss, as he was aparently sore for clerks. I told him that I'd only be in Milwaukee until the end of the month, and he said "I don't care, I could still use the help."

So, I took the job.

By the end of the day, I had gotten my old pay rate from being office manager, and a key to the office. I may not have the title of the position, but I'm getting paid the same as if I did -- and really, that's all that counts.

So yeah, woot. Expect some harrowing tales from the distribution these next few weeks... or not, it depends on what happens.

Tonight I hung out with Chris and Derek, and we rented was is possibly the most worthless film in all of history, "Vampires vs. Zombies." See, the title had so much promise, but the film was just... ridiculous. I mean, they tried to be clever, but failed. Really failed.

And apparently, no zombies actually have rotting flesh on their knees, and they all wear work gloves. Half the time the Zombies were the Vampires who were the Vampire Hunters who were in Beauty Pagents who were the Zombies who were Lesbian Vampires who were really just crazy people in an Asylum hallucinating the whole thing but wait, the zombies are real anyways and the Colonel Sanders/Kenny Rogers look alike the General knows what's happening or does he and... AAAARRGGHHHHH!

*Head Explodes*

Hooray, the movie sucked. We can all die now. Then we played some Halo, in an attempt to wipe our minds clean of this horrible film... but so far, it hasn't worn off...
- Traegorn

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